What's involved?
Membership of the choir is open to all who can hold a tune and can attend rehearsals on Monday and Thursday evenings. You don't even need to be able to read music or speak Welsh (although it would help!)
If you fancy joining the choir, you can come along for a couple of weeks and either sit in the body of the choir with the lads or listen at the back, so you can decide if you really want to join us. You can even join us for drink in the pub after Thursday practice!
If you do decide you want to join, our Musical Director will listen to your voice in an informal test (in private) to see if it fits, or has the potential to fit, with the choir. If it does, then she'll decide which section of the choir you'll be singing in. There are four sections in the choir. First Tenor, Second Tenor, First Bass (Baritone) and Bottom Bass (Second Bass).
You'll join the choir as a probationary member and you'll attend all choir functions and rehearsals. Our Musical Director will decide when you're sufficiently proficient in the current repertoire to become a full member and appear on stage in concert.
Isn't it a lot of work?
Being a member does take commitment and learning the repertoire will take time and a lot of effort. As a member you'll normally be expected to achieve a 75% attendance at rehearsals (Monday and Thursdays 7- 9 pm and the occasional extra rehearsal when we have a competition coming up) and concerts. Of course, we recognise that many people have very demanding jobs or may work shifts and allowances are made for this when it comes to attendance
Are there any costs involved?
The Fron Male Voice Choir is a charity. All members are asked to make a contribution towards the costs of running the Choir through a subscription, which is currently £50 - paid at the start of the year.
On stage we wear various uniforms ranging from dress suits and waistcoats to blazers and trousers depending on the occasion. These are all provided for you, but we do ask for a one-time £50 contribution towards the cost, (a lot less than if you had to buy your own).
Occasionally, we are lucky enough to go away for weekends and even tours abroad. The costs of these trips vary and they may be subsidised by the choir. You are welcome to bring a guest with you on most occasions, but you will have to cover his or her costs in full.
How can I get involved "behind the scenes"?
The choir is run by a committee of the members elected at the annual general meeting at which the musical director, deputy, accompanist, choir president and vice presidents are also appointed. In addition, there are non-committee administrative jobs, to do with the day-to-day running of the choir, which are carried out by members who have served at least a year.
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